⊹ You see this moment between the sleep and the awakening, this moment when we remember having dreamed? It's there that I shall always love you, it's there that I shall wait for you.
Dernière édition par Loréna Seaver le 12th Avril 2018, 13:30, édité 2 fois
David Grantham
Aventures vécues : 270
Carte d'identité Ma santé: (100/100) Situation Actuelle: Mes amis, mes amours, mes emmerdes:
Sujet: Re: Loréna Seaver Halstead 27th Mars 2018, 12:10
Carte d'identité Ma santé: (25/100) Situation Actuelle: Mes amis, mes amours, mes emmerdes:
Sujet: Re: Loréna Seaver Halstead 28th Mars 2018, 18:52
Merci le barge
There is no remedy for love but to love more.
⊹ You see this moment between the sleep and the awakening, this moment when we remember having dreamed? It's there that I shall always love you, it's there that I shall wait for you.
Sujet: Re: Loréna Seaver Halstead 6th Octobre 2018, 17:31
Carte d'identité Ma santé: (25/100) Situation Actuelle: Mes amis, mes amours, mes emmerdes:
Sujet: Re: Loréna Seaver Halstead 7th Octobre 2018, 13:30
There is no remedy for love but to love more.
⊹ You see this moment between the sleep and the awakening, this moment when we remember having dreamed? It's there that I shall always love you, it's there that I shall wait for you.